Forest, People & Products is a community forest members who work together for the purpose of developing non-timber forest products for the global market. These products are handcrafted through hours of passion and dedication for our consumers. These products represent our livelihoods and through your purchase, your funds go back to the community members and help take care of the forests that are at the heart of these products.
Forests, People & Products aim to support the forest communities by creating awareness about the forest products, the place that it’s grown, and the people who are managing it. It provides commercialization and the promotion of NTFPs represents an important strategy for the integration of economic and conservation objectives. The development of markets for these forest products which lead to financial growth, opportunities for forest concession communities to run their own small businesses, improved community resources, and better individual livelihoods for that reserve. It is a proven method that can yield quantifiable results while putting nature back into the hands of communities, and not from outsiders.